Breaking New Ground with Old Tradition, 4-H Congress Opens Monday


GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Roll out the red carpet and get ready for a party that’s going to be a doozy.
More than 540 4-H teens from 58 Florida counties will pour into town Monday for the annual green-and-white invasion called State 4-H Congress for a week of fun, socializing and education. Accompanied by more than 100 adults and 280 guests, 4-Hers will travel with their “passports” to workshops, fun shops and competitive events as they push 4-H into the next century during: “Congress 101: Breaking New Ground With Old Tradition.”

Among the events:

Monday – Dorm Move-In Pandemonium, Rowdy Rally

Hundreds of people check into UF’s Graham Area dorms between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. carrying everything from ironing boards to prom dresses. State 4-H Council campaigning begins at 1 p.m. with banners plastering the dorms. 4-H district colors welcome teens to the high-energy spirit rally at 7:15 p.m. in the Reitz Union Auditorium with a video spoof themed around “The Crocodile Hunter” and enough noise to do a rock concert proud. The day culminates in a motivational address by Carmen Agra Deedy, an award-winning storyteller and the author of numerous bestselling children’s books, who will share short stories about “Growing Up Cuban in Decatur, Georgia.”

Tuesday – Walk on the Wild Side Fashion Revue Hits Runway, Competitive Events

State 4-H Fashion Revue will feature more than 70 teens competing in skill-a-thons and making “4-H Care Bears” as part of their Stitches that Serve project. The bears will be presented to a Ronald McDonald House representative during Wednesday’s talent show. State competitions will be held in categories including veterinary science, media arts, food safety, horticulture judging, auto driving and consumer education. Youth-led consulting groups will spend the afternoon discussing how to develop topics such as career resources, diversity, technology and youth-adult partnerships in 4-H programming. The Fashion Revue will hit the runway at the Reitz Union ballroom at 7:30 p.m., followed by the announcement of the 2003-04 state 4-H project.

Wednesday – Workshop Wonders, Community Service Projects and Talent Show

Hands-on workshops in drama, animal science, Web site design, public speaking, news writing, plant science, fishing, forestry and more. A community pride luncheon saluting 4-H clubs for their volunteer service also will be held. The big story of the day will be the talent competition at 6:45 p.m. at the Center for Performing Arts with 11 acts, preceeded by the “4-H Care Bears” presentation to the Ronald McDonald House and followed by awards for competitive events.

Thursday – Workshops and Community Service Projects Continue, Evening Glamour

Wednesday’s workshops and community service projects continue. Volunteers of the Year, scholarships and awards will be presented during the “Fairy Tale Endings” evening awards ceremony at the University Memorial Auditorium.


For more information or a complete schedule of events, contact: Kristin Guira 352-846-0996, ext. 237; or 352-278-0807 (cell).


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Posted: July 17, 2003

Category: UF/IFAS