Chuck Woods (352) 392-1773 x 281Source(s):
Evan Vlachos, (970) 491-6089
Michael Olexa, (352) 392-1881 ext. 327
GAINESVILLE, Fla.—Evan Vlachos, a professor of sociology and civil engineering and the associate director of the International School for Water Resources at Colorado State University (CSU), will be the 2003 Wershow Distinguished Lecturer April 9 at the University of Florida.
His presentation — The Future of Agriculture in the 21st Century: Surviving in the Era of Globalization and in a Transforming Environment — will be at 4 p.m. in room 190 at UF’s Levin College of Law.
The lecture series, established in 1985 by James S. and Dorothy Wershow, is sponsored by the Agricultural Law Center in UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Michael Olexa, a professor of food and resource economics and director of the law center, said Vlachos has more than 30 years of experience in university teaching and administration, applied research and consulting.
“He has worked on a variety of projects nationally and abroad on aspects of urban planning, water resources planning and management, forecasting and futurism, technology assessment and demography,” Olexa said.
From 1993 to 2000, Vlachos was a member and chairman of the Advisory Panel on Environment and Earth at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Brussels, Belgium. From 1982 to 1987, he was chairman of the Environmental Advisory Board, U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers. He also is a member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) committee on water and civilization.
Vlachos received the American Water Resources Association’s Ikco Iben Interdisciplinary Excellence Award in 1988, the CSU Oliver Pennock Distinguished Service Award in 1988 and the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal from the U.S. Army in 1987. He has served on a variety of national and international commissions, especially on water resources and environment. He is the author of books, monographs and articles on water, demography and futurism.
He received a law degree from the School of Law in Athens, Greece in 1959, a master’s degree in sociology from Indiana University in 1962 and a doctorate in sociology from the same institution in 1964. Vlachos also completed a certificate in Russian studies at Indiana in 1964.