Chuck Woods (352) 392-1773 x 281Source(s):
Jim Marois, (850) 875-7120
QUINCY, Fla. — An international conference on sod-based cropping systems to integrate cattle and hay production will be held Feb. 20-21 at the University of Florida’s North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy.
“The conference, which will focus on animals, pastures and crops, will include national and international experts from UF and other universities and agencies,” said Jim Marois, professor of plant pathology at the UF center and program chair.
The conference is being hosted by UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, the University of Georgia, Auburn University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service.
Marois said Thursday’s program includes presentations on various sod-based rotations, perennial forages and grazing, how cattle rotations affect pasture and row crops, and how sod-based rotations fit into the conservation provisions of the new farm bill. The program will feature the latest research on bahiagrass in the southeastern United States and a working business model for cattle, peanuts and cotton.
In addition to research information on bahiagrass rotations, the conference will present research data on cattle and cropping systems, pest management, perennial sod, wastewater use and the economics of sod-based rotations.
Poster presentations include integrated crop/cattle production systems for parasite control and enhancing cattle performance, distribution and use of mole crickets as biocontrol agents, and an evaluation of bacteria inoculants and phosphirit to increase cotton production.
The registration fee for the conference is $20, payable to the North Florida Research and Education Center. The center is located about 20 miles west of Tallahassee at exit 181 on Interstate 10. Register via e-mail at Contact Marois at (850) 875-7120. For information on the sod-based systems research project, visit the following Web site: