GAINESVILLE, Fla.—Roll out the red carpet and get ready for a party. It’s going to be a doozy. Where else could you find a rowdy spirit rally with a patriotic theme, a carnival and learning that is fun? And did we mention that the “Men in Black” will be on patrol to keep the peace?
It’s the annual green and white invasion for State 4-H Congress. Hundreds of 4-H teens will pour into town Monday for a week of fun, socializing and education. More than 540 teens from 56 of Florida’s 67 counties will be at the event, themed, “The Power of Youth, 100 Years of Building, Achieving, Dreaming.” They’ll be accompanied by 100 adults and more than 230 guests. It’s a banner year for 4-H, with the youth development program marking its 100th anniversary. In honor of the centennial of 4-H this year, all 500+ teens will be involved in community service activities on Thursday morning throughout Gainesville and there will be a carnival. It’s going to be quite a party.
Monday Dorm Move-In Pandemonium, Rowdy Rally with Patriotic Theme
Hundreds of people check into UF’s Graham Area dorms between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. carrying everything from ironing boards to prom dresses. State 4-H Council campaigning begins at 1:00 p.m. with banners plastering the dorms. Red, white and blue “treato-s” welcome teens to the high energy spirit rally at 7:00 p.m. at the Reitz Union ballroom with an eight minute video spoof themed around “Men in Black II” and enough noise to do a rock concert proud. The day culminates in a motivational address by Mark Brown, 1995 world public speaking champion, who will talk about living a balanced life.
Tuesday Fashion Revue Hits Runway, Competitive Events & Hands-On Workshops
State 4-H Fashion Revue will feature more than 60 teens competing with “skillathons.” State competitions in categories like veterinary science, media arts, food safety, horticulture judging, auto driving, and consumer education. Afternoon hands-on workshops in drama, veterinary and horse science, Web site design, public speaking, news writing, plant science, fishing, forestry, GPS and technology, money management, designing a swimsuit and even exercise science. The Fashion Revue will hit the runway at the Reitz Union ballroom at 7:00 p.m. before a jam-packed audience, followed by the announcement of 4-H volunteers of the year and the Partner in 4-H award.
Wednesday Workshop Wonders, Talent Show & State 4-H Council Officer Induction
State 4-H Council elections will be at 10:30 a.m. after the morning awards assembly. Community pride luncheon saluting 4-H clubs for their volunteer service with a representative from corporate funder Chevron in attendance. Interactive workshops will continue from the day before. The big story of the day will be the talent competition at 7:00 p.m. at University Memorial Auditorium with 10 acts, the State 4-H Council Officer induction ceremony, and the retiring president’s address by State 4-H Council president (and Williston-native) Robert Mack.
Thursday Crafts With Kids, Fire Hydrant Painting, Community Service, Carnival & Evening Glamour
In honor of 4-H’s centennial, hundreds of teens will do service projects to benefit the community. More than 100 4-H teens will help young children with craft projects, while others will “paint the hydrant,” clean up 3 local nature parks, sing patriotic songs at nursing homes, package food for the hungry and clean up neighborhood youth facilities. An afternoon carnival will feature rock climbing, old-fashioned games, and make your own music videos.
CONTACT: Ami Neiberger, State 4-H Public Relations Coordinator, office (352) 846-0996 ext. 237, cellular 213-5654, Congress Info Desk at the Reitz Union 392-2151 ext. 1809 or ask someone at the desk with a walkie-talkie to page Ami Neiberger, Late Evenings @ Reitz Union Hotel, 392-2151
Monday, July 22nd
10:00 a.m. – 2:00p.m. Chaotic dorm move-in and check-in, Graham Hall Area **
1:00 p.m. State 4-H Council Campaigns Open. Banners and fliers go up at Graham Area dormitories
3:30p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Pizza and Coke Party, Reitz Union Lawn
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Opening Assembly. Loud 4-H district spirit rally hosed down in red, white and blue, ROTC color guard, keynote address **
Tuesday, July 23rd
8:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. State 4-H Fashion Revue contestants learn modeling and compete in skillathons, Reitz Ballroom**
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. State Competitive Events (not all events are listed)
Animal Science (285 Reitz Union),** Aquatic/Marine Environment (272-3 Reitz Union), Auto Driving ** (Harn Museum Parking Lot), Career Exploration (286 Reitz Union), Consumer Education (276 Reitz Union), Food Safety (347 Reitz Union), Forestry (357 Reitz), Media Arts (288-91 Reitz), Plant Connections (363 Reitz), Public Speaking (282 Reitz)**, Veterinary Science ** (362 Reitz)
Note About Competitive Events: Doors for rooms housing competitive events open at ONLY 15 MINUTE intervals. This ensures an equal playing field for all youth competitors. Photographers are welcome to enter when doors are open, but please wait until the end of a presentation to leave the room.
1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Horticulture Judging, Environmental Horticulture Green House behind UF Fifield Hall**
Animal Science-Horses (UF Horse Teaching Unit, 376-0562)
Environmental Education-Lake Alice Sampling (boat ramp behind Fifield Hall)
Website Design Reitz Union 282
Nature Photography Building 116 Mowry Road, UF Campus, 392-1773
7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Fashion Revue hits runways,** 4-H Volunteers of the Year, Partner in 4-H award, Reitz Ballroom.
Wednesday, July 24th
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. State 4-H Council Voting and Election Results, Reitz Auditorium
11:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Community Pride Lunch, University Center Hotel with presentations by competing clubs about service projects, representative from Chevron attending.
1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Interactive Workshops
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. “Share-the-Fun” Talent Show with 10 acts-vocals, drama University Memorial Auditorium**
Thursday, July 25th
8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Community Volunteering
Teens Helping Younger Children with Crafts, Reitz Union 282
Teens Singing Patriotic Songs at Nursing Homes, Eden Gardens, Integrated Health Services
Paint the Hydrant, Youth painting fire hydrants red around campus neighborhoods
4-H Feeds the Hungry, Packing Kits for Needy Families in Gainesville, Reitz Union 289-291
Clean-A-Thon, 4-Hers Cleaning Boys & Girls Club, 2700 NW 51st Street
11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Centennial Carnival on Reitz Union Lawn – Virtual Reality, Old-Style Carnival Games, etc. **
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Formal Awards Assembly with Professional Drama/Singing Group Performing Patriotic Show
Red carpet, prom dresses, scholarships and awards presentations, exciting professional youth drama group performing snazzy patriotic show, University Memorial Auditorium
Friday, July 26th
8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Checkout, teary eyed and sleepy-faced departures at the buses, Graham Hall Area
The 4-H program, which is celebrating its centennial in 2002, is the youth development program of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service, which is part of UF/IFAS in Gainesville. 4-H worked with more than 287,000 youth ages 5-18 last year in Florida and has programs active in all of Florida’s 67 counties and on five Seminole Tribes reservations in South Florida. For more information visit or contact the county extension office in your area.