First UF Orchid Short Course March 23-24

Carolina Revilla-Vendrame (305) 246-7000

Terril Nell, (352) 392-1829, ext. 377
Lisa Hall, (352) 392-1831, ext. 333

GAINESVILLE, Fla.—Learn how to identify, cultivate and take care of orchids at the University of Florida’s first Orchid Production and Culture Short Course March 23-24.

Sponsored by the Boca Raton Orchid Society, the event is being organized by UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

“Orchid production contributes significantly to the economy of Florida, and gardeners enjoy growing these wonderful flowering plants in their homes,” said Terrill Nell, chair of UF’s environmental horticulture department.

“Interest in orchid growing has always been popular,” he said. “As production increases and plants become more available, the desire to know and understand orchid growing has exploded throughout the nation.”

He said the short course will bring university and industry speakers together to share information on the classification, growth and enjoyment of orchids. Speakers will teach participants about orchid care, diversity, tissue culture and marketing as well as diseases, viruses and pests. The program, which is part of the department’s statewide teaching program, is being held at Fifield Hall at UF in Gainesville.

“We are very pleased to highlight the classification, production and utilization of orchids, and we are very grateful to the Boca Raton Orchid Society for sponsoring this unique educational experience at UF,” Nell said.

Industry experts speaking at program include Steve Cifani from Orchid World International in Miami, Martin Motes from Motes Orchids in Homestead, Dave Baskin from Kerry’s Bromeliad Nursery in Homestead, Wes Higgings from Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota and Andy Easton from the American Orchid Society.

UF speakers include Robert Dressler, Norris Williams and Mark Whitten from the Florida Museum of Natural History, Thomas Sheehan from the environmental horticulture department, William Zettler from the plant pathology department, and William Stern from the botany department. Catharine Mannion, Robert McMillan and Wagner Vendrame from UF’s Tropical Research and Education Center in Homestead also will share their expertise with the audience.

Registration begins March 23 at 8 a.m. at the environmental horticulture department lobby, 2318 Fifield Hall. The course will be held in rooms 2316 & 2318. The registration fee for both days, which includes lunch each day, is $85 per person. Advance registration is suggested.
For more information, contact Lisa Hall (352) 392-1831, extension 333 or e-mail The short course Web site is:



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Posted: March 20, 2002

Category: UF/IFAS