4-H Day At The Capitol February 19: Rally And Press Conference

Ami Neiberger (352) 846-0996, ext. 237

Lane Jimison, , (352) 846-0996, ext. 238

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—It’s not just cows, sows and plows anymore. The 4-H youth development program is celebrating its 100th anniversary with a discussion about youth development priorities and is sharing the results with the citizens of Florida.

A press conference and 4-H rally will be held on the steps of the old capitol building at 1:00p.m. Tuesday, where the State Conversation on Youth Development Report will be presented. A resolution to recognize 4-H in will be sponsored by State Rep. Hogan. An evening auction with a surprise award announcement at the Capital City Country Club will close the day.

The report culminates a series of meetings throughout the state — from Miami to Jacksonville to Pensacola — where 4-H convened youth, adult mentors and volunteers, local youth organization partners to talk about youth development priorities. The top five issues raised are: mentoring and providing role models for youth, involving young people in decision-making, teaching youth to value diversity and resolve conflict, encouraging more positive coverage of young people in the media, and providing ways for young people to make a difference and prepare for the workplace.

State 4-H leader Damon Miller said that the state conversation results are consistent with a survey by National 4-H Council after September 11. The survey showed that young people see respect and tolerance for others as a need and that youth interest in community service, inspired by the heroism of rescue workers from the tragedy, remains strong.

Florida will send a delegation of 40 youth and adults to Washington D.C. next week to participate in the National Conversation on Youth Development with more than 1,000 other delegates. At least four members of the team will be at the press conference and available for interviews. The national delegation will meet with the U.S. Congress and discuss priorities at a national level. The final report will be given to U.S. President Bush and other decision-makers.

  • 4-H Rally and Press Conference, Steps of the Old Capitol, 1:00 p.m. 4-H rally and press conference announcing State Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Speakers include State Comptroller Bob Milligan, state 4-H leader and Tallahassee resident Damon Miller and Florida 4-H Council president Robert Mack. Four National Conversation delegates available for interview.
  • Reception Featuring Silent and Live Auction at Capital City Country Club, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. A silent and live auction (6:30) to benefit 4-H will be held at the Capital City Country Club, 1601 Golf Terrace Drive. Auction items include trips, shipwrecked treasure, sports memorabilia and much more.
  • “Surprise” “4-H Lifetime Achievement Award” to Be Presented During Reception. This year’s winner is a surprise, and the announcement will be made by U.S. Congressman Adam Putnam, who is the youngest member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Previous recipients were “Bud” Irlo Bronson, State Comptroller Bob Milligan and Lieutenant Governor Frank Brogan and his late wife Mary Brogan.


Event: 4-H Day at the State Capitol
Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2002
Location: State Capitol, Steps of the Old Capitol Building, 1:00p.m.
Capital City Country Club, 1601 Golf Terrace Drive, 5:30p.m. 7:30 p.m. (live auction at 6:30p.m.)
Contact: Ami Neiberger, office (352) 846-0996 ext. 237, cellular (352) 213-5654, Monday night hotel, (850) 386-7878

The Florida 4-H Youth Development Program is administered by the Florida Cooperative Extension Service, which is headquartered in Florida at the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. 4-H programs are active in all of Florida’s 67 counties with more than 287,000 youth impacted annually. For more information, visit http://www.florida4h.org.

The state conversation report is posted online at www.florida4h.org and copies will be available at the press conference. The report also will be distributed to other youth agencies, the governor’s office, the governor’s cabinet, the National 4-H Council, policy-makers at the federal and state level, and other interested parties.

Links also are available to county conversation on youth development reports. Thirty-eight Florida counties held conversations on youth development.

For more information about the National Conversation on Youth Development, visit http://www.4hcentennial.org. National level media contacts for quotes: contact Christie Phillips, (301) 961-2915 or Julianne Forrest at (202) 326-1745. Results of the National 4-H Council survey after September 11 also are at http://www.4hcentennial.org.



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Posted: February 18, 2002

Category: UF/IFAS