Chuck Woods (352) 392-1773 x 281Source(s):
James Kimbrough, (352) 392-2158
Photo available, (352)392-1773 ext. 282
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — James Kimbrough, professor of plant pathology with the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, will receive the Distinguished Mycologist Award on August 27 from the Mycological Society of America (MSA) at its annual meeting in Salt Lake City.
The award is presented annually to an individual whose career has been outstanding. Recipients are evaluated on the basis of the quality and quantity of their published research, and on the basis of their service to MSA and the field of mycology, which includes the study of fungi.
Kimbrough joined the UF faculty in 1964 and has been active in teaching, research and extension mycology. During his 37 years at UF, he enlarged the basic course in mycology, initiated three graduate-level courses, team taught a course on mycorrhizal fungi, and recently introduced a lower division course, “Molds, Mildews, Mushrooms and Man.” The courses, offered through UF’s College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, have received outstanding student evaluations.
His research has focused on the taxonomy of fungi, especially cup-fungi and truffles. Kimbrough and his graduate students have utilized the electron microscope to examine ultra-structural features of these and other fungal groups.
Kimbrough’s extension activities include providing fungal identifications for UF faculty, county extension agents, growers and residents. He has organized workshops on the cultivation of shiitake and other exotic mushrooms, and consulted on indoor air quality problems. He also has worked with Florida poison control centers on problem associated with poisonous mushrooms. He currently is working with UF’s new Digital Distance Imaging System (DDIS) for rapid identification of specimens.
His numerous awards and professional recognitions include the William H. Weston Award of Excellence in Teaching by MSA in 1996. In 1975 and 1991, he won the UF/IFAS Award of Excellence in Graduate Student Supervision.
Kimbrough was invited to present papers and participate or organize symposia at the First International Mycology Congress in Exeter, England, and at all subsequent international mycology congresses. He was a featured speaker at the First International Workshop on Ascomycetes in Paris in 1993. He has authored three books and co-authored four others. He also has authored or co-authored with his students more than 275 manuscripts.
In addition to a wide range of committee activities at the departmental, college and university level, Kimbrough has been active in MSA, serving as councilor from 1971-74, secretary-treasurer 1974-77, vice president 1978-79 and president 1979-80.
Born in Eupora, Miss., Kimbrough received his bachelor’s degree in biological science from Mississippi State University in 1957 and his master’s degree in botany from the same institution in 1960. He completed his doctoral degree in plant pathology/mycology at Cornell University in 1964. At Cornell, he received a Shell Foundation Scholarship for the outstanding student in plant pathology.
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