Chuck Woods (352) 392-1773 x 281Source:
Stan Bronson, (561) 233-1724
GAINESVILLE, Fla.— A free lecture series on South Florida natural resource and science issues — featuring more than 25 leading scientists — will be held at the University of Florida July 23-27.
The five-day educational program, entitled “Survey of a Land System: South Florida and the Everglades,” will cover a variety of topics, including agriculture, ecological restoration, geography, geology, hydrology, water quality and quantity, and the South Florida Water Management District. Other topics will include demographics, economics, and flora and fauna systems.
Speakers at the lecture series include Charles Bronson, commissioner of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; Susan Gray, director of research for the South Florida Water Management District; and Bonnie Kranzer, executive director of the governor’s Commission on the Everglades.
Stan Bronson, Palm Beach County extension agent with the UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, said the lecture series is part of the Florida Earth Project administered by UF/IFAS. The project includes more than 30 partners in education, government, industry and the environment.
The course is divided into five major topic areas or teaching modules:
- Survey of South Florida – an introductory look at the region with its geographic, geological, sociological, cultural, economic and governmental features.
- Natural Systems – flora and fauna of natural and urban areas, and their role in the overall landscape of the region.
- The Role of Agriculture in South Florida – an overview of one of the most fertile crop areas in the world, examining seven commodities and how they are grown.
- Water – quality and quantity issues from current and historic perspectives.
- Restoration – a snapshot of current efforts and future proposals to restore the natural system.
Sessions will be held Monday through Friday, July 23-27, in room 245 of the Florida Gymnasium on the UF campus in Gainesville. For more information and online registration, visit: Or contact Stan Bronson in West Palm Beach at (561) 233-1724; email:
Academic Course for UF Credits
Bronson said a two-week version of the course, July 23-August 3, also is available for students and others who want to earn three UF credit hours toward a degree. The first week includes the same lecture series available to the public at no cost, and the second week includes field work in South Florida.
The cost of the academic course, SOS 6932, offered by UF’s department of soil and water science is $550, which includes the late registration fee and transportation to South Florida.