Teixeira To Receive National Food Engineering Award

Arthur Teixeira atex@agen.ufl.edu, (352) 392-7667
IAFIS info@iafis.org, (703) 761-2600

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GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Arthur Teixeira, professor with the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, is the recipient of the 2001 IAFIS Foundation-FPEI Award, recognizing him as a distinguished food engineer.

The award is sponsored by the Foundation of the International Association of Food Industry Suppliers (IAFIS) and the Food and Process Engineering Institute (FPEI), a unit of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), also known as The Society for Engineering in Agricultural, Food, and Biological Systems. He will receive the award on March 24 at the IAFIS conference in Orlando.

It recognizes outstanding accomplishments of those who have made engineering contributions in research, development or design of food processes significant to the food industry, or in outstanding leadership, management or education to advance the food engineering profession in a career that has spanned more than 10 years.

Teixeira is internationally recognized for his leadership in food engineering research and education. His work in computer simulation, optimization and control of thermal food processing operations has become a cornerstone of modern process design and control systems in today’s food canning industry.

These systems have resulted in increased safety assurance of sterilized canned food to consumers with optimum quality at low cost, and with improved manufacturing efficiency. Results of his work have been published in numerous book chapters and journal articles.

Teixeira holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and a doctoral degree in food and agricultural engineering from the University of Massachusetts. After 11 years of experience with Ross Laboratories Division of Abbott Laboratories in Columbus, Ohio, and with Arthur D. Little in Cambridge, Mass., he joined UF’s agricultural and biological engineering department as associate professor of food engineering in 1982. He became full professor in 1989.

He was twice named as a Fulbright Scholar, as well as being a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Senior Guest Fellow, and a Fellow of ASAE. He has received numerous awards for teaching and research excellence. Teixeira served on national peer review panels for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Fulbright Association. He is associate editor for ASAE’s Transactions, as well as being an editorial board member for the Journal of Food Science, and Journal of Food Processing. He also is a registered professional engineer in Florida and Massachusetts.

As the recipient of the IAFIS Foundation/FPEI Food Engineering Award, Teixeira receives a gold medal, certificate, $2,000 cash and travel expenses to the conference. He also will be honored with a bronze medal at the ASAE international meeting, July 29-August 1, in Sacramento, Calif.

The IAFIS Foundation/FPEI Food Engineering Award was presented biennially from 1972 until 1997, when it was changed to an annual award. Established in 1983, the foundation awards scholarships, funds industry education activities and assists in development of industry-wide research.



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Posted: March 9, 2001

Category: UF/IFAS