Name Change: It’s Now IFAS Communication Services

Mike Martin (352) 392-1971
Ashley Wood (352) 392-7228 ext. 293

GAINESVILLE—Mike Martin, University of Florida vice president for agriculture and natural resources, has announced a name change for the Educational Media and Services (EMS) unit in the UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Effectively immediately, EMS will be identified as IFAS Communication Services (ICS).

“The state and national visibility of UF/IFAS programs is more important than ever before,” Martin said. “The new name is a simpler, more concise way of identifying the many essential support services this unit provides to our statewide faculty and staff. We do not anticipate any change in the range of services provided by the unit.”

Ashley Wood, director of ICS, said the new name is more congruent with other communication units at the UF and was approved by the UF Communications Network, which includes all UF communication programs.

“As a part of the Florida FIRST (Focusing IFAS Resources on Solutions for Tomorrow) strategic planning effort, we are reviewing every aspect of our communication program to become more responsive to the needs of UF/IFAS faculty and staff across the state,” he said.

“We look forward to working more closely with faculty and staff who depend upon our services,” Wood said. “We will continue to provide high quality communication products and services, including news and photography, television/video production, distance education, graphic design, exhibits, for-sale publications, printing services and special projects.”



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Posted: February 18, 2000

Category: UF/IFAS