James Wadley Will Speak Nov. 4 At UF’s Wershow Distinguished Lecture Series

Chuck Woods (352) 392-1773 x 281

James Wadley (785) 231-1010, ext. 1682
Leo Polopolus (352) 392-1845, ext. 416

GAINESVILLE—James B. Wadley, professor of law and director of the Rural Law Center at the School of Law at Washburn University of Topeka, Kan., will be the featured speaker for the 1999 James S. And Dorothy Wershow Distinguished Lecture Series at the University of Florida.

Wadley’s lecture, entitled “Ag 2K: Agricultural Policy at the Millennium Crossroads,” will be at 8 p.m. on (Thursday) Nov. 4 at the Bailey Auditorium of the UF’s College of Law. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Leo Polopolus, professor in the UF’s food and resource economics department and coordinator of the event, said Wadley was selected for this year’s program because of his “rich background on the role of government in agricultural issues.”

Prior to joining the faculty of Washburn University of Topeka in 1981, Wadley was director of the Land Use Law Center at the UF’s Holland Law Center and associate in rural development with the UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS).

Wadley graduated from Tulane University School of Law in New Orleans in 1972. He received his master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Utah State University in Logan. His expertise includes farm and agribusiness law, problems and issues of rural development and government regulation of agriculture. He also is an expert in patent, trademark and copyright law, water rights and native American law.

Polopolus said the Wershow Distinguished Lecture Series was established in 1985 to provide intellectually stimulating experiences for faculty, staff, students and members of the community and to contribute toward the further enhancement of UF/IFAS programs. He said the general focus of these lectureships is on the impact of changes in taxation and science on agricultural law.



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Posted: October 22, 1999

Category: UF/IFAS