Urban Farming Can Be Profitable, UF Researchers Say

Chris Eversole

Richard Tyson, (407) 665-5554
Frank Chapman (352) 392-9617 ext. 247
John Jackson (352) 343-4101

SANFORD — There’s nothing fishy about the fish story; you can make a big catch financially raising tropical fish.

Learn how it’s done at a workshop on urban farming sponsored by the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. The workshop is from 2 to 4:30 p.m. March 6 at the Seminole County Extension Auditorium in Sanford.

“Tropical fish can be very profitable, but there’s a lot to learn to be successful,” said Frank Chapman, a UF researcher in Gainesville. “Demand is high because the fish are so beautiful and varied.”

The tropical fish industry has flourished in Florida, with more than 140 tropical fish farms between Lakeland and Ruskin and another 60 in other parts of the state, Chapman said.

Another workshop speaker, extension agent John Jackson, will discuss growing blueberries, grapes and persimmons. “People can have a farm with one of these crops on as little as five acres,” said Jackson, who is based in Tavares.

The workshop will include presentations on greenhouse, hydroponic and organic vegetable production and a tour of demonstration greenhouses.

The Seminole County Extension Auditorium is at 250 W. County Home Road, Sanford. Cost of the workshop is $5 in advance and $7 at the door. Contact Richard Tyson of the Seminole County Extension Service at (407) 665-5554 or rvt@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu.



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Posted: February 19, 1999

Category: UF/IFAS