UF/IFAS Spring Enrollment Largest Ever

Carole L. Jaworski

Jimmy Cheek (352) 392-1963

GAINESVILLE – Spring enrollment in the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is the largest ever. The latest figures indicate an enrollment of 3,869 students, up nearly 11 percent from last spring. The enrollment also surpasses the Fall 1997 term By nearly 40 students – an unusual circumstance, says Jimmy Cheek, UF/IFAS assistant dean for academic programs. Generally, fall enrollments are larger, he says.

UF/IFAS enrollment is defined as enrollment in the College of Agriculture, School of Forest resources and Conservation, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, and academic programs at Fort Lauderdale and Milton.

“What this indicates is that more students are looking to the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences to meet their career and professional goals,” Cheek said. “It also indicates that our majors, which have been broadened and refashioned, are more attractive to students today. For example, in food and resource economics we have developed specialties in applied economics, agribusiness management and natural resource and environmental economics. This attracts more students.”

It also reflects the fact that students believe UF/IFAS faculty are good teachers and advisers. “In fact, a recent survey among graduates indicates a high degree of satisfaction with our programs,” Cheek said. About two-thirds of UF/IFAS students go into careers, and about a third into graduate or professional schools.

The top undergraduate majors for Spring 1998 are: food science and human nutrition – 746; microbiology – 528; animal science – 434; wildlife ecology – 240; food and resource economics – 214; human resource development – 213; and horticultural sciences – 149.

The top graduate majors are: wildlife ecology – 86; horticultural sciences – 76; food science and human nutrition – 73; animal science – 72; entomology and nematology – 70; forest resources and conservation – 52; soil and water science – 45; and food and resource economics – 44.



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Posted: February 27, 1998

Category: UF/IFAS