Organic Gardening Workshop Series Kicks Off Nov. 18

Carole L. Jaworski

Jack Hebb
Anita Neal (561) 462-1660

FORT PIERCE – A five-week Organic Gardening Workshop series kicks off Nov. 18 at the University of Florida Indian River Research and Education Center in Fort Pierce. The workshop series will run on five consecutive Tuesdays, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., through Dec. 16.

The workshops are geared to anyone interested in organic gardening, from commercial growers and nurseries to master gardeners and homeowners, says Jack Hebb, UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences St. Lucie County Extension agent.

Each workshop will concentrate on a different aspect of organic gardening. These include: Soil Management – Nov. 18; Water Management – Nov. 25; Pest Management – Dec. 2; Crop Management – Dec. 9; and Marketing Management and Certification – Dec. 16. The Nov. 25 workshop will also include a tour of both an organic and a sustainable farm.

It is possible to sign up for individual workshops, as well as for the series.

“Organic gardening offers an alternative method of growing – as well as an alternative crop – for commercial growers,” says Anita Neal, UF/IFAS St. Lucie County Extension agent. “With the recent food safety scares, more consumers are turning to organic products. These products often command a higher price in the marketplace,” she says.

Continuing education and certified crop adviser credits are available for the workshops.

Cost of the workshop is $10 per day or $45 for the entire five-week series. Checks should be made payable to the St. Lucie County 4-H Foundation and sent to: Gale Gallagher, St. Lucie Co. Extension Service, 8400 Picos Rd., Suite 101, Ft. Pierce, FL 34945-3045. Participants may also register on-site at 8:30 a.m. the day of the workshop.

For more information, contact Hebb or Neal, workshop coordinators, at (561) 462-1660.

The workshops are sponsored by the St. Lucie County Cooperative Extension Service.



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Posted: October 30, 1997

Category: UF/IFAS