Distance Education Writing Course Offered

Carole L. Jaworski

Jim Nehiley (352) 392-1773

GAINESVILLE – If you’ve ever longed to try your hand at writing, a distance education course being offered by the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences may be for you.

“Writing for Agriculture and the Natural Resources” covers strategies and techniques for effective writing, particularly for agricultural and natural resource audiences.

Instructor of the three credit hour course is Jim Nehiley, UF/IFAS agricultural education and communication associate professor. Nehiley developed UF’s Interesting, Clear, and Effective (ICE) writing program to allow off-campus students to improve their writing skills by completing a series of self-guided modules rather than attending lectures.

“Research shows that distance learning students do just as well as on-campus students because of their high motivation and extra effort,” Nehiley says.

Requirements for the course include an Internet-ready computer, World Wide Web access and an e-mail account.

To receive a catalog of this and other UF/IFAS distance education spring semester courses, listing full course descriptions, enrollment information, deadlines and fees, contact UF/IFAS Communication Services by phone at (352) 392-3893; by fax at (352) 392-3896; or by e-mail at DistanceEd@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu. Course descriptions and catalog information can also be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.ifas.ufl.edu/~newsifas/courses.htm.

Pre-registration for spring courses must be completed before Dec. 19, 1997. Classes begin in January.



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Posted: October 29, 1997

Category: UF/IFAS