A: As youngsters, we have learned to love these furry little critters but now as landowners we have a very different perspective. I have a few hints which should help: 1. Removing dense, heavy vegetative cover, brush piles, weed patches, junk dumps and stone piles adjacent to the landscape will help eliminate rabbit habitats. 2. Fencing made from chicken wire, with mesh less than 1″, can be placed around a vegetable garden or herbaceous plant border. The fence must be at least 2′ high with the bottom buried at least 3″ deep. 3. You can also use cylinders of 1/4″ wire hardware cloth extending higher than a rabbit’s reach by placing them around the trunks of individual trees and shrubs. Bury the bottom of the cylinders 2″ to 3″ inches below ground level and place them 1″ to 2″inches from the trunk. 4. There are a few plants rabbits don’t particularly like: yarrow, aster, wild indigo, daylily, geranium, iris and sedum. 5. There are plenty of things on the market which supposedly repel deer and rabbits such as products containing capsaicin, which is the main ingredient in hot chili peppers. But we have no extensive research to support their claims.
Posted: June 17, 2015
Category: Home Landscapes, Pests & Disease
Tags: Asiatic Jasmine, Critter Corner, Rabbits