Q: I would like to know where I can purchase fescue grass for this area.

A: The reason you have been having difficulty finding fescue grass at local garden centers is because fescue is a cool season grass and does not grow well in this area. Northeast Florida is far enough south to limit the type of lawn grass to only warm season grasses. Your choices are Bahia (Argentine), Bermuda (common), Centipede (if the soil pH is correct), St. Augustine (several cultivars), and Zoysia.

The University of Florida has a web site specifically regarding the selection of residential lawn grass for our area. Each of the aforementioned grasses has a page with in depth information on warm season lawn grass varieties. The information will include proper planting, mowing height, irrigation needs, and fertilization. Take time to look at each of the advantages and disadvantages of the grasses to determine which might best suit your home lawn.

It is advisable to have a full soil nutrient analysis done by the University of Florida ($7) prior to planting. You can pick up a soil sample kit at either Nassau County Extension site. The main Extension office is in Callahan, which is located at 543350 U. S. Highway #1 (on the Fairgrounds), 904 387-1019. The Yulee satellite office is at 86026 Pages Dairy Rd. (across from the old Yulee Middle School), 904 – 530-6350. The UF/IFAS website is: http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/yourfloridalawn/


Posted: July 3, 2017

Category: Home Landscapes, Lawn
Tags: Fescue Grass

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