- Prohibiting sick employees in the workplace
- Strict handwashing practices that include how and when to wash hands
- Strong procedures and practices to clean and sanitize surfaces
- Ensuring the person in charge of a foodservice facility is a certified food safety manager
- Ensuring the person in charge is on site at all times during operating hours
Taking employees’ temperatures is at the operators’ discretion. The CDC has not mandated taking an employee’s temperature and any operator who chooses to do so should engage health officials first and adopt policies aligned with proper procedures. CDC guidance on a minimum temperature indicative for fever is 100° f.
Per CDC recommendations face coverings have been shown as an effective tool to mitigate risk from both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. This mitigation is especially critical in close environments where establishments have challenges maintaining a 3 to 6 foot clearance
Avoid touching hands to face.
Train all employees on the importance and expectation of increased frequency of hand washing, 20 seconds of scrubbing
The proper use of hand sanitizers (cover all hand surfaces and rub until dry) with at least 60% alcohol
Workstations should be staggered to avoid employees standing directly opposite one another or next to each other
Where six feet of separation is not possible, consider face coverings, increased frequency of cleaning and sanitizing surfaces
Post signage on entrance door that no one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19 is to be permitted in the restaurant.
Design a process to ensure guest separation while waiting to be seated: floor markings; outdoor markings; waiting in cars; etc.
Limit contact between wait staff and guests and, consider requiring wait staff with direct customer contact to wear face coverings as recommended by the CDC.
Update floor plans
- redesign seating arrangement to ensure at least six feet of separation from seating to seating.
- Limit party size at tables to no more than 10 people
- Consider a reservations-only business model or call-ahead seating to better space diners.
- Determine paths to and from restrooms
- Place physical barriers such as partitions or Plexiglas barriers at registers
- Provide hand sanitizer for guests including contactless hand sanitizing stations and post signage reminding guests about social distancing
- Consider a separate exit from the entrance.
Use mobile ordering; mobile access to menus to plan-in-advance; text on arrival for seating; contactless payment options.
Use disposable items:
- Between diners, clean/sanitize table/chairs, condiments / disposable condiments on demand
- Cleaning and Sanitizing
Check restrooms regularly and clean and sanitize based on frequency of use
Thoroughly clean and sanitize entire facility, especially if it has been closed.
Focus on high contact areas that would be touched by both employees and guests.
Follow sanitizing material guidance to ensure effective cleaning and to protect surfaces.
Avoid all food contact surfaces when using disinfectants
Enhancing Best Practices
Employee and Food Preparation Areas
Seating Area
Flow of Patrons
Cleaning and Sanitizing