Did you know that last year UF/IFAS Extension had the opportunity to reach over 3,300 Nassau County students through 4-H school enrichment programs? 4-H is a non-formal, practical education program for youth that complements classroom teaching. Our Extension agents, along with trained volunteers, enjoy the opportunity to provide hands-on learning for students at any level – from kindergarten to high school!
Why add 4-H programs to your classroom?
- To include valuable, hands-on learning opportunities
- All programs are low to no cost for schools
- Extension educators and volunteers are highly qualified to teach a variety of subjects
- Programs are adaptable to your students’ interests and grade level
What subjects are available?
- Embryology – hatch chicks in your classroom (registration for this project is November – January; no late registrations accepted)
- Healthy Living – learn to eat better and live healthier
- Science/STEM – dive into a variety of science projects
- Communication – fun and interactive public speaking programs
- Career Development – prepare youth for the next phase of life
- Others – what do you and your students have a need for?
All programs require an RSVP and are available on a first come, first served basis. Call today to reserve your classroom’s spot (904-530-6353)!