A: We have several easy growing trees which will give you the “Christmas Tree” look you are seeking. These are evergreen trees so they can be decorated year after year. Consider taking photos with your family each year to document the changes in the tree – it makes for wonderful memories which can be shared from generation to generation. Several top choices would be the Southern Redcedar, Sand Pine, Virginia pine, Arborvitae, Leyland Cypress or one of the newest the Arizona Cypress. We have the Southern Redcedar and the Arizona Cypress in the Extension Demonstration garden at James S. Pages Governmental Complex. Take some time to go visit the site and look over the trees. In addition, go to our website to get specific information of all of our plants in the gardens.
Adding a tree to the landscape is always a great idea – it provides oxygen, beauty, and a home for local wildlife.
Q: I would like to plant a tree in the yard which I can decorate each year as an outside Christmas tree. I am just not sure what tree would grow here.