A: This is another example where using a common name fail us. The state tree of Indiana is called a Yellow poplar, or Tuliptree, Liriodendron tulipifera, but I am pretty sure you are not talking about this stately beauty. Its flowers are a creamy, yellow. We can grow this tree in our area but the flower color is not correct.
I believe you are asking about the Tulip Magnolia or Saucer Magnolia, Magnolia X soulangeana. Unlike some of its evergreen cousins, this magnolia is deciduous. The beautiful flowers appear before the leaf is formed. It can reach heights up to 25 feet with a 15-20 foot spread. So be sure there is enough room in your landscape before making it a permanent addition to your yard. Some of the flowers of certain cultivars have a lovely, faint fragrance. The flowers can be quite large ranging from 5 – 10 inches in diameter and come in white, purple and pink. They can be grown in full sun to part shade and prefer a well-drained, moist soil. They have no serious pest problems. Saucer magnolia trees can be grown as far south as cold hardiness zone 9. This tree has become such a favorite for gardeners it can be found at many of the retail garden centers.