A: This is a beautiful example of the velvet ant or cow killer, which in reality is neither an ant nor a cow killer. Actually, the velvet ant belongs to the wasp family. The name “cow killer” comes from the tremendous pain inflicted by the sting of the velvet ant which seemed strong enough to “kill a cow.” Of course it cannot kill a cow or a human and probably seldom ever stung a cow. By the way, only female velvet ants have the capacity to sting. Velvet ants are solitary creatures unlike their cousins the bees. Adults feed on nectar but the larvae’s main food is burrowing beetle and bee larvae. Velvet ants are not aggressive but the female will sting if she is provoked. Velvet ants do not cause plant or property damage and should be left alone. If a chemical control is needed you may try a contact insecticide normally used on wasps or yellow jackets. Thanks for bringing this lovely wasp into the office. I look forward to using it when I teach my insect programs to local youth. Few youth or adults have seen this creature and I like to use every opportunity I can to instruct people on local fauna.
Q: What is this insect and what kind of insecticide can I use to kill it?