Q: My dracaena is getting so large. How would I propagate it?

A: Rooting of tip cuttings, air layering, and cane cuttings are the primary methods of Dracaena propagation. Air layering or cane cuttings are mainly used for large specimens and tip cuttings are used for producing the smaller Dracaena species. Be sure your pruning instruments are clean and sterile before starting the project. Use a 70% solution of isopropyl (alcohol) to wipe pruners before and in between cuts. Make the cuttings about six inches long then remove all but 2 or three of the leaves. Cuttings may be dipped in root hormone before being placed in moistened sand, vermiculite and/or perlite media. Consider covering the plants with clear plastic to reduce the amount of moisture lost as the roots are being formed. Place the cuttings in a brightly lit area but away from direct sun light. It may take about 6-9 weeks for roots to form. Once the roots have developed you may put the new plants in pots.


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Posted: June 20, 2017

Category: Home Landscapes
Tags: Dracaena

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