Q: What can you tell me about pineapple lily?

A: The common pineapple lily, Eucomis cosmosa, was originally from South America so it has a very tropical look to it. It grows about 2 feet tall with about the same spread. It is not picky about the light conditions or the type of soil. Pineapple lily will need to be irrigated on a regular basis to ensure the soil does not get too dry however it should remain dry during the dormant season. Leaf chewing insects are about the only real insect problem but they can be hand picked if you scout the plant often enough. Propagation occurs by seed and division of old rhizomes or bulbs. Once the plant leaves turn brown in the winter they can be removed just prior to spring flush. The bulbs may be set in clusters of three or more along walkways or mixed with low-growing shrubs. White to yellow star-shaped flowers form along a foot-tall stem topped with a cluster of green foliage. Some gardeners think the flowering stems resemble a fruiting pineapple plant, which gives rise to the common name. Plants are in bloom May through August. There are several different species, check your local garden center or favorite bulb catalog for ideas. Do not be afraid to add something new to your garden, it may surprise you how much you love discovering a new bulb or perennial.


Posted: June 15, 2017

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes
Tags: Eucomis Cosmosa, Pineapple Lily

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