Fact sheet: Yarrow


Achillea species are 18- to 36-inch-tall perennials that bear masses of flowers throughout the summer (Figure 1). The 60 to 100 species of yarrow are ancient, spreading, semi-evergreen herbs that are long lived. The aromatic, finely divided leaves are alternate or in basal rosettes. The leaf margins range from simple and toothed to pinnately dissected. However, most of these species have attractive feathery or fern-like foliage. The flowers may be single or double and come in shades of pink, yellow and white; flower heads are mostly in fine-textured corymbs.

Scientific name: Achillea spp
.Pronunciation: ack-ill-LEE-uh species
Common name(s): yarrow

Fact sheet: Yarrow

Sold at Nassau County Master Gardener Plant Sale


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Posted: June 11, 2017

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes
Tags: Achillea, Plant Sale, Yarrow