Knock Out roses have changed the way home gardeners perceive roses. With the debut of the original Knock Out roses in 2000, the emergence of shrub roses for landscape gardening has taken Louisiana and the nation by storm, according to LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dr. Allen Owings.
With gardeners always wanting something new, 2009 brings the newest member of the Knock Out rose family called Sunny Knock Out. It is the seventh variety in the Knock Out rose group.
Sunny has bright golden-yellow flower buds that open to yellow. The petals quickly turn a creamy pale yellow and then fade a little more over the next couple days. Bloom shape is single form with five to seven petals per flower. Flower diameter is 3 inches. Plant size is considered medium – “probably 4 to 5 feet under Louisiana growing conditions,” Owings says. It is smaller than most other Knock Out varieties.
Sunny was developed by William Radler, the same rose breeder responsible for the other Knock Out roses. It was released by the Conard Pyle Company/Star Roses and is classified as a landscape shrub rose. Other varieties in the Knock Out family include the original Knock Out, Knock Out Pink, Blushing Knock Out, Rainbow Knock Out, Double Knock Out and Pink Double Knock Out.
Sunny was evaluated during the 2008 season at the LSU AgCenter’s Hammond (La.) Research Station. It showed excellent blackspot resistance under a “no-fungicide spray” program. Plants reached 36 inches tall at the end of the first year in the research station gardens.
“February through the spring is a great time to plant roses,” Owings says, recommending Sunny Knock Out for Louisiana landscapes. The rose currently is available at independent retail gardens centers.
Planted in Nassau County Extension Demonstration Garden