Fact Sheet: Green Ice Rose


Flower Color: Soft Green

Flower: Pink buds; clusters of 1” blooms with a small button eye; color tend to fade to white if grown in full sun

Type: Minature

Fragrance: Light Fresh

Height: 12 to 16 inches

Comments: Glossy dark green leaves; vigorous; good disease resistance

Miniature roses have dime- to quarter-size flowers in single, double, and semi-double form. They are available in almost every color in the rainbow, except blue. Flowers can be pressed or dried for use in arrangements and potpourri.
Several hundred cultivars are available, ranging in size from 3 to 18 inches in height and spread. The smallest varieties (“micro-minis”) grow to 6 inches or less.
Mini-Flora roses are a new classification of the American Rose Society. The bloom, foliage, and plant size are larger than a miniature and smaller than a floribunda. Plants typically reach heights of 3 feet and are suitable for larger beds or borders.
Miniature roses are ideal for container culture, and are popular flowering gifts that can brighten indoor spaces. Because of the amount of light needed, however, they usually perform best when planted outdoors.

Miniatures are hardier than hybrid tea roses and many gardeners prefer to plant them directly in the ground. Plants perform best in a sunny location with rich, well-drained soils. Place plants near the edge of beds or borders for best viewing of their flowers. Most miniature roses can be spaced about 12 inches apart. As surrounding plants grow, make sure they don’t shade the miniature roses.
Regular maintenance is required for repeated blooms. Deep watering (1 to 2 inches per week) encourages root development and mulching helps conserve soil moisture. Ground-planted miniature roses benefit from fertilizing in early spring, when they start to bloom, and at their peak of bloom. No fertilizer should be added after mid to late August to help plants prepare for dormancy.

Remove flowers as they fade and cut plants back to the uppermost five-leaflet leaf. At the same time, remove any yellowing leaves or dead branches. Removing weak and spindly canes also helps more light reach the plant interior. To ensure survival over the winter, partially cover miniature roses in late fall. Place soil at the base of the plant, followed by a covering of leaves. Plants can be smothered if they are covered completely. Uncover plants in late spring.

Pest Control
Regardless of where they are planted, miniature roses need to be regularly monitored for pests.
Spider mites—Roses may have problems with spider mites while indoors, and also outdoors during hot, dry weather. The first sign is a lightening of the lower foliage as the mites suck sap. Discolored leaves and fine webbing are indications that spider mites may be present. To check for mites, shake leaves over a piece of white paper. Mites will be seen as small moving colored dots.
Spider mites can be controlled by spraying the plant 3 or 4 times a week with a forceful spray of water. A soapy water solution (1 tablespoon liquid dishwashing soap to 1 quart water) also can be used to control mites. Follow with a warm water rinse.
Aphids—These tiny green or black flying insects may be a problem on roses in the spring and fall. They also can be washed off the plant with a water spray.

Planted in Nassau County Extension Demonstration Garden


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Posted: May 28, 2017

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes
Tags: Demonstration Garden, Factsheet, Green Ice Rose