The Dioon edule is a cycad similar to its cousin the sago palm. Dioon edule is also known as the Chestnut Dioon or Virgin palm. The Chestnut dioon is originally from Mexico. In its homeland, Dioon is accustom to harsh, dry environments and shallow, sandy soils. It is considered a good Florida Friendly Landscape (FFL) plant as it requires little irrigation. Typically it grows up to 8 feet tall and about five feet wide. It does look similar to the sago palm but its leaves are more upright form and each leaflet is flat instead of arched. The leaves of the Chestnut dioon are generally produced in the late summer or early fall and are initially soft and feathery – they later harden and become sharp along the edges. Chestnut dioon produces no flowers but instead has a single cone in the center of the plant. This plant is being watched closely because most of its normal habitat is being threatened in Mexico. In some areas, it is considered endangered. We have added it to the demonstration garden at the James S. Page Governmental Complex. The purpose of adding the Chestnut Dioon to our demonstration garden is to get it established then determine if the plant might be a good specimen for Northeast Florida. Currently, it appears to have no serious disease or insect issues. We have planted it in full sun and the soil is well-drained, although we will ultimately put drip irrigation tubing around the roots.
My friend just purchased a Dioon palm. It looks like a sago palm to me. What is the difference?