Graduate Student Wins International Plant Propagation Society Award

Last Updated on November 25, 2019 by Caroline Warwick

MREC graduate student Yuvraj Khamare (far left) poses with the other graduate student research competition winners at the 2019 International Plant Propagation Society Southern Region meeting.

Mid-Florida Research and Education Center student Yuvraj Khamare was recently awarded third place in the International Plant Propagators Society (IPPS) Southern Region Charlie Parkerson Student Research Competition at the 2019 IPPS Southern Region show.

“This competition gives graduate students the opportunity to work on our presentation skills and science communication,” Khamare, a doctoral student in the environmental horticulture program said. “It’s a great opportunity to get more acquainted with the industry.”

Khamare was invited to the 2019 IPPS Southern Region conference after winning a student competition. Students submit research papers, of which four are selected and granted a travel scholarship to be able to attend the conference and present their research.

“The 2019 IPPS Southern Region meeting was different than other academic conferences I have been to. There were researchers, industry professionals, nursery growers and it really felt like a horticultural family.”

Khamare’s research examined the effects of fertilizer placement on weed growth and competition with container-grown ornamentals.

“Being recognized for my contributions, especially as a graduate student, makes me proud to be a part of the horticultural industry.”

Khamare (far right) was recognized on stage. He, along with the other winners, will present their research at the national meeting.




Posted: November 25, 2019

Category: Horticulture, Professional Development
Tags: Award, Graduate Student, Horticulture, IPPS, Khamare, MREC, Success, Yuvraj, Yuvraj Khamare