OrangeTV Visits MREC to Discuss Private Wells

OrangeTV, the official channel of Orange County, Florida’s government, recently visited the Mid-Florida Research and Education Center to discuss our research and UF/IFAS Extension.

Dr. Yilin Zhuang is a regional specialized agent focused on water quality and quantity issues for UF/IFAS’ Extension Central District. Her research relates to improving water quality and quantity issues through the application of smart technology and artificial intelligence and influencing consumer behavior to conserve water.

You can watch the interview conducted by MREC’s own Dr. Liz Felter on the OrangeTV YouTube page below:

Extension Solutions | Private Wells and Septic Tanks – YouTube


Posted: July 26, 2023

Category: UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Felter, Liz Felter, Private Wells, Septic Tank, Water Quality, Water Quantity, Yilin Zhuang, Zhuang