Let’s Talk About Ag BMPs: What Are BMPs?

Last Updated on June 9, 2022 by Yilin

We are so glad to announce that we are launching the “Let’s Talk About Ag BMPs” series. The goal of this “Let’s Talk About Ag BMPs” series is to be a source of information on agriculture best management practices.

This session, we met with the experts Dr. Lakesh Sharma and Dr. Kelly Morgan from the University of Florida Soil and Water Sciences Department. We learned what best management practices are, understood their benefits, and dispelled a few misconceptions and myths.

In our conversations with Drs. Sharma and Morgan, best management practices were described as a variety of practices meant to maintain or increase agricultural yields while reducing impacts on water quality or quantity. Oftentimes, this is achieved through improving the nutrient uptake and efficiency of crops. Extensive research is conducted to understand different crops and how to make each crop more efficient. Practices are agreed upon based on the farmer’s current operation and input.

One concern may be about the economics of best management practices. While some methods may involve purchasing specialized equipment, the practices generally have multiple economic benefits. One economic benefit is a possible decrease of production costs. With improvements in crop efficiency, there usually is less fertilizer and pesticide used. Best management practices may also lower production costs by reducing water usage. Another possible economic benefit is being eligible for cost-sharing opportunities. These programs offer financial assistance for purchasing equipment. You can read more about cost-sharing opportunities here: Technical and Financial Assistance Available for Producers to Implement Agriculture Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Central Florida.

Agriculture is a vital part of Florida’s history, culture, and economy. With a growing population, there is an increase in agricultural demand. Best management practices are a method to help producers meet the demands of today while preserving Florida’s resources for the future. Alongside the environmental benefits, producers can gain economic benefits.

Watch the recording to learn more about Ag BMPs.

This blog was written by the University of Florida Active Learning Program Interns Sarah Marc and Megan Bickel and edited by Dr. Yilin Zhuang. We would greatly appreciate if you would take a few minutes to complete the evaluation survey and tell us what you have learned and how we could improve the series.

Survey link: https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0wdb4xAKJgnpsMK


Posted: June 9, 2022

Category: AGRICULTURE, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: Ag BMPs, Agriculture, BMPs, Nature Resources, Water Conservation, Water Quality, Water Quantity

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