Water Wednesday Recap – Using Water Filters Inside the Home

Last Updated on January 19, 2022 by Tennille Herron

All water filters are not created equal!

There are filters that remove impurities. There are filters that remove bacteria and there are some that just make your water taste better! It is important to know the results of your water tests and choose a filter that does the work you need it to do.

Last Water Wednesday, we invited the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in UF/IFAS Extension Sumter County, Ms. LuAnn Duncan, to tell us how to properly use water filters inside the home.

There are a variety of filters on the market and they come at a wide range of costs. It is important to do your homework before you make the investment in a water filtering system. Some filters can remove sediment from the water. This sediment can be common and safe. It is just not appealing to see it in your water. Some systems will decrease minerals or chemical additives. Yet the most serious issue is when the water is unsafe to drink. There are systems that remove bacteria, but not all filtering systems are able to make water safe.

The first step is to understand your water test, understand what the different levels mean and if you feel uncomfortable with any of them. If you would prefer any given number be lower, look for a filter that will lower that number. If your water test shows your water is safe, and your water tastes good and smells good, you do not need a filter to ensure your water is safe. Treatment is a personal preference.

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Posted: March 15, 2021

Category: UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: #WaterWednesday, Central Florida Water Initiative, MREC, Water, Water Filter, Water Florida, Yilin Zhuang, Zhuang