Licuala Palm, Licuala grandis according to Betrock’s Guide to Landscape Palms is a wet rainforest understory plant and requires part shade for best appearance and protected from drying or salty winds. A well drained soil with a wood mulch that is reapplied as it breaks down benefits the palm.
Iron (Fe) deficiency appears as interveinal or uniform chlorosis of the newest leaves, older leaves remain green. In palms suffering from chronic Fe deficiency, the entire canopy may be chlorotic . In severely Fe-deficient palms, new leaflets may have necrotic tips, growth will be stunted, and the meristem may eventually die, some Licuala spp. may appear as chlorotic new leaves covered with green spots 2 to 4 mm in diameter.
Iron deficiency occurs due to environmental conditions such as planted too deeply, wet soil and iron nutritional deficiency. Review these three items to determine what is causing the yellowing of the palm fronds.
Review Dr. Broschat’s Iron Deficiency in Palms