While many students may not enjoy homework, it teaches them organizational skills and lets them work independently. Completing homework each night also provides practice for what they learned in class.
Homework can also be beneficial to parents and caregivers by giving them a chance to see what their children are learning in school. Parents and caregivers can show their children that homework is important by helping with assignments.
Use the following tips to help your child with homework:
- Set a regular schedule to complete homework. This time should work for both you and your child. You can also get the entire family involved by having regular family quiet time.
- Pick a place to do homework, such as the kitchen table, a bedroom desk, or the living room. This place should be free of distractions, so turn off the television and don’t allow your child to take phone calls or play with other electronics.
- Ensure that your child has supplies, including pencils, pens, paper and anything else they need to complete their assignments. Also, have other resources available, such as books and helpful websites.
- Encourage your children by assisting them with homework, checking it when they’re finished, and helping them practice new skills.
Set a positive example by supporting your child and taking an interest in homework. By doing this, you can help reinforce the importance of your child’s learning. Your enthusiasm and encouragement can help your child have greater success in school.
Adapted and excerpted from:
H. L. Radunovich, “Helping Your Child with Homework” (FCS2255), UF/IFAS Family, Youth and Community Sciences Department (rev. 08/2015).
M. Spellings, “Helping Your Child With Homework,” U.S. Department of Education (rev. 2005).