How farmers perceive soil testing survey!

Dear growers:

Please help a graduate student to get anonymous data on how you perceive the process of soil testing! I took it and is very straightforward!

Title of the project: Perceived Soil Testing Attributes and Their Differing Effects on Adoption Between Small and Large Farmers

“Corey Hanlon is a graduate student at the University of Florida who is conducting research on how farmers perceive soil testing. The method is a 10-minute, anonymous online survey. The sample of respondents that Corey is searching for includes any farmers that produce horticultural goods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, nursery stock, sod, trees and more. Corey’s goal is to reach 200 respondents, and is nearly halfway there.

Are you able to help her out?”


The survey is completely anonymous and there will be no way for any response to be associated with any particular respondent, especially because I will never ask for a farmer’s name or any contact information. If you have any further questions about the survey, I can be reached at, or UF’s IRB can be reached at (Reference IRB protocol # 2012-U-0803).

Thanks for helping a UF graduate student!
Your agent:

Vanessa Campoverde, M.S

Commercial Ornamental Extension Agent

UF/IFAS Miami-Dade County


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Posted: September 14, 2012

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Evcampoverde, Farmers, Questionario, Soil Testing, Survey


Donna Castro
March 10, 2022

Thank you for this thoughtful post! I am a registered beekeeper and love the analogy of swarming as "giving birth". So true! Also, I have actually stood in the midst of a swarming hive and there is nothing more exciting and magical. They are truly NOT aggressive when they swarm and even when they are clustered together on a branch looking for that next home. I always tell folks that if you just let them bee, they will be gone within the week. I didn't know that tidbit about how they breathe; that was fascinating!

Barbara McAdam, Urban Horticulture Program Specialist, A.S. for Miami-Dade County
Barbara McAdam

June 30, 2020

Pollinators are some of nature's most fascinating creatures. They are the reason the beauty and fragrance of flowers evolved. Meet some of our local pollinators and learn how to provide an environment to support them, protect them and bring them into your life.

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March 2, 2018

Hi Adam! It would be best to contact your local UF IFAS Extension Office here is the link to their page. Best Regards.

Adam Farber
February 28, 2018

Hi, I live in Cooper City in Broward and have some tough weeds I can't seem to get rid of in my ST. Augustine grass. I have used Bonus S from Scotts and spot sprayed Weed B Gone for Northern and Southern lawns right on the weeds but no luck. I am attaching a couple of pictures in case you cn identify the weeds and suggest a remedy. Thanks for any help. Adam Farber Cooper City, FL Phone: 954-494-3432

November 2, 2017

URGENTE Tengo en el patio de mi casa un enjambre de abejas ,pero mis vecinos las están envenenando y están muriendo por miles . Pregunta puede alguien del gremio ayudarme para que las ubiquen en un sitio productivo sin temor al exterminio ? Entiendo que es una especie protegida y en proceso de extinción . Solicito ayuda .

Soil Testing Services
April 29, 2015

Thanks Vanessa Campoverde. As Soil testing is very important process by which elements like phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, manganese, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc are chemically removed from the soil, Using Grid Soil Sampling Manure Application we also can make soil more fertile.

June 13, 2012

Clarence: You are more than welcome to send a picture with the short description and what is happening in any nursery. This works for for us to communicate. Thanks for the suggestion!

Clarence A Chamorro
June 12, 2012

I love your Blog. This is fantastic. Can we post pictures and ask question base on the pictures? Can we talk in spanish?

Frank Fornari
May 31, 2012

Great job Vanessa! Thank you for everything you do for horticuture in south Florida.

May 31, 2012

Ray: I will try my best to keep up with this blog. Thanks and I hope to see you at the workshop on June 26th!!!

Ray Rueda
May 30, 2012

Congratulations Vanessa. I hope we get lots of inputs from you and from all nurseries.

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