Extension Marion County

Tag: wasp

Greening diagnosis

Protection from Citrus Greening?

December 1, 2017

Citrus greening (also known as HLB or Huanglongbing) is a bacterial disease affecting citrus production around the world, it was first found in South Florida in 2005. Citrus greening affects all citrus cultivars causing overall tree decline/ ... READ MORE

Category: AGRICULTURE, Crops, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease
Tags: Bacteria, Biocontrol, Citrus, Disease, Greening, HLB, Huanglongbing, Hunter, Parasitoid, Psyllid, Tamarixia, Wasp

Planting for Pollinators Part I: The Dilemma

October 2, 2017

If I were to ask you to list some pollinators that visit your gardens, butterflies and honey bees may come to your mind. But take a closer look! Do you see a shiny little green sweat bee flying from flower to flower? Or possibly a hummingbird, ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes
Tags: Bats, Bees, Birds, Butterflies, Endangered, FFL, Florida Friendly, Garden, Hummingbird, Landscaping, Moth, Planting, Pollinators, Wasp

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