Horse Herald July 2019- Horse Transportation
July 3, 2019
Horse Herald July 2019- Horse Transportation READ MORE
Category: AGRICULTURE, Farm Management, LivestockTags: Equine, Horse, NFLAG, Transportation
Horse Herald July 2019- Horse Transportation READ MORE
Category: AGRICULTURE, Farm Management, LivestockHorseback Riders are out on the trail year round. It is important to take proactive steps in order to have a fun and safe trail riding experience. Check out the edition of the Horse Herald below to learn about what you can do to make your ride ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth, AGRICULTURE, Farm Management, Livestock, Recreation, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS ExtensionEquine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) EPM is a neurological disease caused by parasitic protozoans that cross the blood brain barrier and infect the nervous system. This disease has hit close to home several times in the past year and in ... READ MORE
Category: AGRICULTURE, Farm Management, Livestock, Pests & DiseaseEquine Vital Signs- What is Normal? Knowing what is normal for your horse can help you circumnavigate a health disaster, from founder to colic. But what is normal for an adult horse? The January 2019 edition of the Horse Herald covers normal ... READ MORE
Category: AGRICULTURE, Farm Management, LivestockEquine Laminitis Laminitis is caused by disruption of the blood flow to the laminae tissue, a connective tissue that holds the pedal (coffin) bone to the hoof wall. After enough of the laminae tissue has died, the coffin bone will begin to ... READ MORE
Category: AGRICULTURE, Livestock, Pests & DiseaseHorse Vaccinations There are many vaccinations available for horse owners to better protect their animals from diseases. In the fact-sheet below, a general description and guideline is given for common vaccines, but owners should always consult ... READ MORE
Category: AGRICULTURE, LivestockDeworming Horses Nearly everyone has heard of the growing issue of chemical-resistant internal parasites and how they can potentially impact an animal. In this fact-sheet, the importance of creating a deworming schedule based on fecal egg ... READ MORE
Category: AGRICULTURE, Farm Management, Livestock, Pests & Disease,Equine Colic Equine colic describes abdominal pain in horses that, in some cases, can lead to death if not treated. Many things can cause a horse to colic, and knowing the symptoms and causes can help horse owners better manage their horses ... READ MORE
Category: AGRICULTURE, Livestock