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Tag: Microplastics

Water Wednesdays Recap – Are Bioplastics Better?

September 29, 2020

Almost every single piece of plastic ever made still exists. As an alternative to the traditional plastics, we are hearing a new term more and more often - bioplastics. Are bioplastics better? Dr. Maia McGuire answered this question in the last ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Natural Resources, Water
Tags: Biodegradable, Bioplastics, Compostable, Environmentally Friendly, Florida Water, Microplastics, MREC, Plastic, UF IFAS Extension Water Agents, Water Wednesday, Yilin Zhuang

Water Wednesdays Recap – DIY Beeswax Food Wraps

September 21, 2020

Water Wednesdays in September will feature Microplastics.   Microplastics include plastic particles with an upper size limit of 5 mm (0.2 inch). They come from a variety of sources. If you missed the talk on Sept. 9, here is your ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: Beeswax, Food Wraps, Microplastics, Plastic, UF IFAS Extension Water Agents, Water, Water RSA, Water Wednesdays, Yilin Zhuang

DIY Beeswax Food Wraps

February 20, 2019

DIY Beeswax Food Wraps Did you know...each time you wash your face, brush your teeth, or do laundry, you just might be adding microscopic bits of plastics into the aquatic environment. These tiny particles are called microplastics. They are ... READ MORE

Category: Natural Resources, Water
Tags: Aquatic Animal Health, Aquatic Environment, Beeswax, Beeswax Food Wrappers, Filter Feeders, Food Wrappers, Microplastics, Natural Food Wrappers, Polar Fleece Clothing, Synthetic Fibers