Water Wednesday Recap – Florida Automated Weather Network

Have you heard of FAWN? What is FAWN? FAWN is Florida Automated Weather Network. It is a University of Florida-operated service aiding agricultural decision-makers statewide since 1997. Last Water Wednesday, we invited the Project Manager of FAWN, Rick Lusher, to give us a quick overview of FAWN. We also learned how we can use FAWN to optimize the irrigation scheduling.

There are 42 FAWN stations located across the state of Florida.It assists decision makers with irrigation, freeze protection, and chemical application. Some data is updated every 15 minutes, including air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and rainfall. Some stations also incorporate information from soil moisture sensors. FAWN recently updated their webpage: https://fawn.ifas.ufl.edu/. On their new webpage, you can also find the information for your lawn irrigation. You can assess the data on FAWN webpage:

To watch the recording, please click the video below.

To watch other Water Wednesday recordings, please visit UF IFAS Extension – Water Resources YouTube Channel.


Posted: July 20, 2020

Category: AGRICULTURE, Crops, Home Landscapes, Lawn, Water
Tags: FAWN, Florida Automated Weather Station, Irrigation, Rainfall, Water Conservation, Water Wednesday, Yilin Zhuang