Farm Safety Day

Farm Safety Day is designed for farmers and farm workers to receive an annual review of safety practices. Starting at 8 am workers and handlers will receive their required annual Worker Protection Standards (WPS) training in either English or Spanish. This will be followed by Field Sanitation and Produce Safety in either English or Spanish as part of the annual training for the Food Safety Modernization Act. The rest of the program is only in English, but will cover important topics of Labels and PPE, CPR and Basic First Aid, Tractor Safety & Maintenance, and Heat Stroke/Stress and Ear Protection. Lunch ends the program.

The program will be held Wednesday, October 30 from 8 am to 1 pm at the UF/IFAS Lake County Extension office at 1951 Woodlea Rd., Tavares, FL. Cost is $25. Online registration. Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance suitable for record keeping.


Posted: September 26, 2019

Category: AGRICULTURE, Events, Farm Management, Horticulture
Tags: Farm Safety, Produce Safety, Tractor Safety, WPS Handler And Worker Training

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