Every day, farming and ranching activities pose a safety risk to our buried infrastructure. Today’s equipment is more powerful and can dig deeper. At the same time, erosion and terrain modifications can reduce the soil covering a buried pipeline or cable. Even the weight of equipment can pose a risk.
Most states provide a narrow exemption to their One Call law for “normal” farming or ranching activities. One of the keys to safe digging is understanding “when am I farming, and when am I excavating?” The activities on this list may seem like every day work on a farm or ranch, but they are actually classified as excavating and according to state laws, require a call to 811.
Fence Building or Repair
- Drain Tilling
- Terracing
- Grading
- Contouring
- Ripping
- Deep Tilling
- Tree and Stump Removal
- Clearing or Grubbing
- Ditch Cleaning and Repair
- Trenching
- Augering
- Installing Cattle Guards, Dams or Dugouts
- Trenching Water Lines from a Well to a Stock Tank
- Burying Livestock
- Maintaining, Building or Repairing Roads
Florida’s One Call contact information.
Phone: 800-432-4770
Hours: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm (EST), M-F
Advance Notice: 2 full business days (10 if dig site is under water)
Marks Valid: 30 days
Website: www.sunshine811.com
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