Horse Herald: Re-seeding Bahiagrass Pastures

Horse Herald Re-Seeding BahiagrassProper grazing management is the best insurance on bahiagrass pastures, but re-establishment is sometimes necessary.

Follow an 8″ and 3″ rule: when the grass
reaches 8″ allow horses to graze, and when it
reaches 3″ remove animals from the pasture.


Essentials to re-seed:
  • Time – To achieve a well-rooted stand of bahiagrass allow for at least a year of undisturbed growth, remove all animals during this time.
  • Moisture – Success of establishment is dependent on moisture, be prepared to provide water to the pasture or plant during the rainy season.
  • Fertilization – Always start with a soil analysis of the area. Fertilization after planting followed by an additional application post emergence is recommended.
  • Planting Method – Plant seeds 1/4″-1/2″ deep, roll or pack the soil to encourage seed to soil contact.

For more information on bahiagrass management:




Posted: July 5, 2018

Category: AGRICULTURE, Farm Management, Livestock, Turf
Tags: Cattle, Equine, Forage, Grazing, Horse Herald, Horses, Livestock, Pasture, Re-seeding, Reseeding

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