Pesticide Applicator CEU Day

Do you need continuing education units (CEUs) for your pesticide applicator license? The Florida Turfgrass Association in collaboration with UF/IFAS is presenting The CEU Roundup on July 25 with 6 CEUs (make sure they are the categories you need). The program is being held in Gainesville, but broadcast to various sites around the state. The UF/IFAS Extension Center in Lake County will be one of those sites. Registration is from the Lake County website or the FTGA website. The UF/IFAS Extension Center in Lake County is at 1951 Woodlea Rd., Tavares, FL 32778.

8:30 – 9:00 Registration & Introduction
9:00—9:50 Water: The Smallest Factor that Makes the Greatest Difference – Dr. Fred Fishel
10:00 – 10:50 Biological Control of Cogongrass: Progress & Perspectives – Dr. Jim Cuda
11:00—11:50 Pesticide Spill Management & Cleanup – Paul Mitola
11:50—1:00 Lunch (provided)
1:00—1:50 IPM in Aquatics, Natural Areas & Right ‐ of ‐ Way – Dr. Lyn Gettys
2:00—2:50 Old World Climbing Fern Management: New Tools to Tackle This Troublesome Fern – Dr. Stephen Enloe
3:00—3:50 Invasive Pathways For Invasive Aquatic Species: Case Studies From Florida – Dr. Lyn Gettys
3:50 – 4:00 Closing & CEU Distribution
CEU categories available
Category CEUs
Limited Lawn & Ornamental 1
Limited Commercial Landscape Maint. 1
Commercial Lawn & Ornamental 1
Private Applicator Ag Pest Control 4
487 Core 2
482 Core 2
Ag Row Crop 3
Ag Tree Crop 3
Aquatic 4
Demo and Research 4
Natural Areas 4
Ornamental & Turf 3
Regulatory 4
Right of Way 2

Posted: June 19, 2018

Category: AGRICULTURE, Crops, Horticulture, Pests & Disease
Tags: Continuing Education Units, Pesticide Applicator, Pesticide Safety

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