One hundred and forty-two bulls representing nine breeds sold for an overall average of $2,079 at the 62nd Annual Ocala Bull Sale sponsored by the Marion County Cattlemen’s Association. Of the 142 bulls offered, 43% outperformed the overall average. One bull sold for $5,100, seven sold for more than $4,000, nine sold for a price of between $3,900 and $3,500, nine brought a price between $3,400 and $3,000, and eighteen sold for a bid between $2,900 and $2,500.
This year’s sale topper was Lot #121, a (B+) graded Charolais consigned by Mike Watkins’ Little “W” Farms of Lebanon, TN, sold for $5,100. Additionally, five bulls brought a price of $4,300: The first two bulls to sale, Lots #83x (A-) and #84 (A), both Brafords offered by Jonny Harris’ Greenview Polled Hereford Farms, Screven, GA; Lot #90, an (A) graded Brangus from Starnes Cattle of Williston, FL; and Lots #116 and #118, both (A-) graded Charolais out of the Little “W” Farms consignment.
Other notables include: Lots #25 and #30, both (A-) graded Angus bulls from Billy Mcleod’s Black Crest Farm of Sumter, SC, sold for $4,000 each; Lot #176, a (B+) Horned Hereford bull from Brad Chambliss’ Chambliss Hereford Farms of Elizabethtown, KY, sold for $3,900; Lot #31, an (A) Angus from the Black Crest consignment, sold for $3,700; two Horned Hereford bulls offered by William Woodard and Sons of Springfield, TN, Lot #170 (B) and Lot #178 (B+), sold for $3,600 each. The following four bulls sold for a price of $3,500 each: Two Angus bulls, Lots #24 (A-) and #26 (A), both from Black Crest Farms; Lot #82, (A-) graded Braford from the Greenview consignment, and Lot #128 (A-) a Charolais offered by Todd Thompson’s Thompson Charolais Farm of White Cottage, Ohio. Lots #17, #18 and #19, all (A-) Angus bulls out of the Black Crest, offering brought a price of $3,400 each. Lot #20, also an (A-) bull from the Black Crest consignment, received a price of $3,300. Lot #29 (A-), another Angus from Black Crest Farms, Lot #39, also an (A-) graded Angus from Ed Dean’s Daystar Farms of Ocala, FL, and Lot #93, an (A) graded Brangus bull offered by LG Herndon of Lyons, GA, sold for a price of $3,100 each. Additionally, two other bulls commanded a price of $3,000: Lot #28, an (A-) graded Angus out of the Black Crest consignment, and Lot #49, an (A) graded Angus presented by Larry Olson, D.V.M., and Olson Cattle Research consignment of Barnwell, South Carolina.
Average price by Grade:
A = $3,380 (10 hd)
A- = $2,595 (39 hd)
B+ = $1,900 (51 hd)
B = $1,686 (29 hd)
B- = $1,188 (9 hd)
C+ = $925 (4 hd)
Thirty-five percent (49) bulls received a grade of A- or higher. The (A) graded bulls averaged $1,301 above the overall sale average and (A-) bulls sold for an average of $516 above the overall sale average.
Breed highlights include:
- 49 Angus bulls averaged $2,134
- Two Top Selling Angus sold for $4,000 each
- 2 Angus/Charolais Composite bulls averaged $1,550
- Top selling Angus/Charolais $1,600
- 3 Braford bulls averaged $4,033
- Top Selling Brafords $4,300
- 6 Brangus bulls averaged $2,300
- Top Selling Brangus $4,300
- 34 Charolais bulls averaged $2,318
- Top Selling Charolais $5,100
- 5 Charolais PCR bulls averaged $1,660
- Top Selling Charolais PCR $2,300
- 29 Horned Hereford bulls averaged $1,759
- Top selling Horned Hereford $3,900
- 10 Polled Hereford bulls averaged $1,770
- Top Selling Hereford $4,800
- 4 Red Angus bulls averaged $1,450
- Top Selling Red Angus $2,100
- Additionally, twenty-three bred heifers sold for an overall average of $1,298. Heldon Ranch offered eight head for an average price of $1,166; Richardson Bros., Inc. averaged $1,400 on nine head; and Smith Bros. Ranch sold six head for an average of $1,325.
The Marion County Cattlemen’s Association would like to THANK everyone who had a hand in making this sale possible!