Who Needs the LBMP?
All landscape maintenance professionals in Manatee County that ARE NOT applying fertilizer (other than clerical or administrative staff) must individually obtain a Landscape Best Management Practices (Landscape BMP) certification from the Manatee County Extension Service. This certification is awarded after the successful completion of Landscape Best Management Practices (Landscape BMP) training from the Manatee County Extension Service. Spanish language classes are available. Manatee County issues a vehicle decal to identify certified individuals.
Note: Pinellas County has the same program. Landscape BMP vehicle decals from Pinellas County are recognized in Manatee County.
Special Rule for New Hires: New employees have ninety (90) days from the date of employment to obtain a Landscape BMP Certification. Until they obtain this certification, they must work under the direct physical supervision of another certified individual.
How to Get Certified during COVID-19 Social Distancing Restrictions
- Watch the free 2-hour video, see link below
- Set up a Zoom (online meeting) exam at www.lbmp.eventbrite.com
- Show your photo ID and answer some questions
- Your free certification will be mailed to you
You can find the free 2-hour video in English and Spanish at https://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/manatee/landscape-pros-fertilizer–pesticide-/
Set up a Zoom
Zoom is an online meeting website. We will send you a link to connect with us when you register. You can use your cell phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer if it has a camera and microphone. To set up a meeting contact michelleatkinson@ufl.edu
Zoom Exam
You will be asked to show your photo ID in the camera and then answer some questions related to the free 2-hour video. Once we confirm that you watched the video and understand the Manatee County Fertilizer Ordinance we will send you a certificate in the mail.
For more information visit our website or contact Michelle Atkinson, UF/IFAS Manatee County Extension Environmental Horticulture Agent, michelleatkinson@ufl.edu