4H/FFA FNGLA Ornamental Plant Project (Show and Auction)

It is almost time for CLASS D (miscellaneous category) tagging. There is a mandatory tagging on Thursday, November 30, 2:00-6:30 pm in the Mosaic Arena, Fairgrounds. Plants must be registered online (by November 28 at 3:00 pm) before tagging. This class is for plants that do not fall into Classes A, B, or C.

Before mandatory registration and tagging, plants MUST be bought and repotted to a larger size container that will be used for the show and sale. Plants will be disqualified if they are replaced or repotted after the tagging. Plants in individual pots must be all the same species and in the same size pot. Scientific names are required for these entries. In this class, mixing species in a dish garden, terrarium, planter, or hanging planter is acceptable. When species are mixed, scientific names are not required. If there are 2 containers/entry, the plants in each pot must be mirror images. For the liners, cuttings, and seedlings category, seeds should be sown and cuttings stuck before November 16. Seeds must be germinated and growing by the mandatory tagging date in November. Cuttings must show some root growth by the tagging date. Plants must be well established with noticeable growth at Fair check-in. Each flat must consist of only one species/variety. Flats must be standard nursery size with a maximum container size of 4.5 inches.

Eventbrite - 4-H/FFA FNGLA Plant Tagging - Class D
For detailed information click here. If you have any questions, email or call Martha Glenn: Mglenn7@ufl.edu, 941-722-4524 (ext. 1814)


Posted: October 31, 2017

Category: 4-H & Youth, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 4-H, FFA, FNGLA, Manatee County, Plant Project

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