Ask Wakulla Master Gardener Volunteer
Michele Hackmeyer

To provide small packets of seasonally appropriate seeds to encourage members of the community to get started to try growing their own vegetable plants from seed.
- Select up to 3 packets of seeds from the UF/IFAS Wakulla County Extension Office.
- Location: 84 Cedar Avenue, Crawfordville, FL 32327.
- Complete Seed Library Information sheet.
- Follow planting and care instructions.
- Pick and enjoy what you’ve grown!
If you have questions, email or call the Wakulla Extension Office, 850-926-3931.
Seeds offered:
‘Provider’ Heirloom Bush Beans. Don’t plant too early as cold conditions prevent good germination. Plant when night temperatures stay above 55 degrees. Birds are attracted to young bean seedlings, so watch carefully and protect. The more you pick, the more they produce.
Patty’s Marketmore Slicing Cucumber. These heat-loving plants need warm soil, so wait to plant till night temperatures stay above 50 degrees. Shallow rooted cucumbers need consistent moisture. Cut rather than pull fruits from vines before seeds are large inside. Harvest every few days for longest production.
Clemson Spineless Okra. Thrives in high temperatures of 75 to 90 degrees and withstands light drought. Plant in warm soil when night temperatures stay above 60 degrees. Picking pods daily is essential as pod can grow to several inches long and become woody and tough.
Yellow Squash, Dixie Hybrid. Plant after last chance of frost has passed. Harvest when fruit is 4-6 inches long. Pick early and often as not picking will stop production.
Fordhook Zucchini Summer Squash. Plant after last chance of frost has passed. Harvest when fruit is small, 4-6 inches. Pick early and often as not picking will stop production.
If you have any questions or suggestions for future articles please email to
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