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Fact Sheets | Native Plants of Southwest Florida | Stephen Brown | Lee County Extension

October 26, 2018

Native Plants of Southwest Florida Library of Native Plants: Fact Sheets & Video Links - OLD LINKS (Needs to be Updated) Bark Exfoliation of South Florida Trees Bay Cedar (Suriana maritima) Beach Sunflower (Helianthus ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Horticulture
Tags: Bursera Simaruba, Ernodea Littoralis, FFL Yard Recognition Form, Llex Cassine, Pseudophoenix Sargentii, Stachytarpheta Jamaicensis, Swietenia Mahagoni, Acrostichum Danaeifolum, Annona Glabra, Argusia Gnaphalodes, Baccharis Halimifolia, Bark Exfoliation Of South Florida Trees, Bay Cedar, Beach Sunflower, Beautyberry, Bejaria Racemosa, Blackroot, Blechnum Serrulatum, Blue Porterweed, Buccaneer Palm, Buttonbush, Buttonwood, Cabbage Palm, Cabbage Palm Pictorial, Caesalpinia Bonduc, Callicarpa Americana, Camphor Daisy, Canella Winterana, Capparis Cynophallophora, Cephalanthus Occidentalis, Cherokee Bean, Chrysolalanus Icaco, Cinnamon Bark Tree, Citharexylum Spinosum, Coccoloba Diversifolia, Coccoloba Uvifera, Cocoplum, Conocarpus Erectus, Coontie, Coonties And Atala Butterflies, Coral Bean, Cordia Sebestena, Coreopsis Leavenworthii, Cutleaf Evening Primrose, Dahoon Holly, Differences Between Laurel And Live Oaks, Elderberry, Erythrina Herbacea, Fact Sheet, Factsheet, Ficus Aurea, Fiddlewood, Firebush, Flaveria Linearis, Florida Native Plants, Florida Thatch Palm, Gaillardia, Gaillardia Pulchella, Geiger Tree, Genipa Clusifolia, Gentian Noddingcap, Giant Leather Fern, Golden Creeper, Guide For Real Florida Gardeners, Gumbo Limbo, Hamelia Patens, Helianthus Debilis, Helianthus Spp, Inkberry, Ipomoea Cordatotriloa, Ipomoea Pes-caprae, Jamaican Caper, Juniperus Virginiana Var. Silicicola, Lacy Bracken Fern, Leafless Beaked Tresses Orchid, Lee County, Lysiloma Latisiliquua, Mahogany, Mimosa, Mimosa Strigillosa, Morella Cerifera, Myrcianthes Fragrans, Native Plant & Service Directory, Native Plant Nurseries - Local, Native Plant Resources, Native Plants, Native Plants Of Southwest Florida, Native Wetland Species: Lee County, Necklace Pod, Nickerbean, Oenothera Laciniata, Pigeon Plum, Pond Apple, Prickly Plants, Prickly Zones, Psychotria Nervosa, Pteridum Aquilimum Var.candatum, Pterocaulon Pycnostachyum, Railroad Vine, Railroad Vine Measurement, Rayjacksonia Phyllocephala, Rhus Copallinum, Sabal Palmetto, Saltbush, Sambucus Nigra Subsp.Canadensis, Scaevola Plumieri, Sea Lavender, Sea Oats, Seagrape, Seaside Goldenrod, Seven-year Apple, Simpson's Stopper, Small Trees For South Florida, Solidago Sempervirens, Sophora Tomentosa, South Florida Native Plants, Southern Red Cedar, Spanish Bayonet, Stephen Brown, Strangler Fig, Sunflowers, Suriana Maritima, Swamp Fern, Sweet Acacia, Tarflower, Thrinax Radiata, Tickseed, Tie Vine, Uniola Paniculata, Vachellia Farnesiana, Viburnum Obovatum, Walter's Viburnum, Waxed Myrtle, Wild Coffee, Wild Tamarind, Winged Sumac, Yellowtop, Yucca Aloifolia, Zamia Floridana
Blanket Sunflower

Q and A: I read your comments about Gaillardia in the January and February issue of Florida Gardening magazine. Are you talking about buying the actual plants and planting them or do you mean starting them from seeds? I have had a good bit of luck harvesting the seeds from dead or spent heads in the summer, refrigerating them and then sowing them in the winter for a spring and summer bloom.

February 2, 2018

From Mark, by email Answer: Gaillardia pluchella, simply known as gaillardia, is a very cold tolerant native plant. As such, it can be started from seeds, or planted as young seedlings in winter without concern for cold weather damage. In ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Horticulture
Tags: Blanket Flower, Giallardia Pluchella, Lee County, Native Plants, Q And A, Stephen Brown