Extension Jackson County

Tag: Dairy

perilla mint

Scout Pastures for Toxic Perilla Mint this Fall

September 19, 2014

Perilla mint (perilla frutescnes) aka Beefstakeplant is a toxic weed that typically grows in shady, to partially shaded areas, damp spots, woodland edges, and fence-lines of pastures in the Southeast. Positive identification of this ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Beef Cattle, Dairy, Forage & Pasture, Goats, Horse, Livestock, Panhandle Agriculture, Pasture, Pasture Management, Perilla Mint, Pest Alert, Pest Management, Sheep, Toxic Plants, Weeds

Ranchers Should Prepare Livestock for Hard Freeze January 6th – 8th

January 6, 2014

[warning]The National Weather Service is forecasting wind chills below freezing for 48 hours from Monday night through Wednesday, with possible single digit wind chills on Monday and Tuesday nights.[/warning] The following is the NWS forecast ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Beef Cattle, Beekeeping, Dairy, Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness, Horse, Livestock, Livestock Cold Protection, Panhandle Agriculture, Weather

New EDIS Fact Sheets added in Spring 2013

June 28, 2013

The University of Florida database of fact sheets called EDIS (Electronic Data Information Source) has many publications of interest to farmers and ranchers in Northwest Florida. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu Each fact sheet has a PDF or printer ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Beef Cattle, Cattle Grub, Corn, Cornsilk Fly, Cow Water Bed, Crops, Dairy, Horse, Horse Farm Pest Management Practicies, Horticulture, Insects, Livestock, Panhandle Agriculture, Pest Management, Pesticide Records, Regulations, Sweet Corn, Vegetable Sprayer Calibration, Vegetables