Jackson 4-H Competes in State 4-H Livestock Judging
Members of the Jackson County 4-H Livestock Club, and their club leaders Brad and Stacey Warden, made the trip to Gainesville to compete in the Senior Division of the State 4-H Livestock Judging Competition on April 8th.
The team finished 5th overall in the State with a 3rd place in swine, 4th place in cattle, 4th place in sheep and 4th place in reasons. Team member Anslie Yoder was 10th High Individual overall.
The preparation for these events along with the competition itself, help to grow life skills for these youth. They are making decisions and using critical thinking skills, not to mention honing their skills in an area of animal science and technology that might open doors for them as they prepare to enter the workforce!
The road to a State competition is long and hard and requires dedication and longs hours of practice. It also requires a great deal of money which has to be raised by the club members, their volunteers and their 4-H Agent!
The 4-H program only survives because of the hard work of volunteers who raise money to support the youth and their projects, donations from the community and from grants that are applied for by the 4-H Agent.
Please consider supporting the Jackson County 4-H Youth Development with donation of your time and or money. Our youth need you!